
What statement accurately describes the incidence and response to resection between PRCA and thymoma?


A 7 3-year-old man with anemia requiring transfusions for the past 3 mon ths presen ts for further evaluation . Leukocyte count is LJ ,900/ Jil, hemoglobin 7.9 g/dl, MCV 99 fl. platelet count 1 76,000/ Jil, and reticu locyte production index 0. 1 %. LDH is 1 82 U/L. On physical exam, he has no hepatosplenomegaly or lymphadenopathy. The peripheral blood smear is shown below.

What statement accurately describes the incidence and response to resection between PRCA and thymoma?

  1. The incidence of thymoma in patients with PRCA is near 30%, and resection leads to remission in 70% of patients.
  2. The incidence of thymoma in patients with PRCA is near 5%, and resection leads to remission in 70% of patients.
  3. The incidence of thymoma in patients with PRCA is 5% to 1 5%, and resection leads to remission in less than 40% of patients.
  4. The incidence of thymoma in patients with PRCA is 5% to 15%, and resection leads to remission in more than 90% of patients.

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C. Although the association between thymoma and PRCA is well recognized, the actua incidence of thymoma as a causative mechanism is low, and modern series suggest that the effect of resection of thymoma on the course of PRCA is not as beneficial as previously thought.

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