
What cytogenetic abnormality is associated with mantle cell lymphoma?


A 58-year-old man presen ts with fatigue and weigh t loss over the past 1 month. On physical exam. he has enlarged lymph nodes and splenomegaly. Hemoglobin is 9.3 g/dl. leukocyte count is 1 78.000/,LLL. and platelet count is 85.000/,LLL. Flow cytometry of the peripheral blood reveals expression of CDS . CD 1 9 . and CD 20. and lack of CD23. Cyclin D 1 is positive. The peripheral blood smear is shown below.

What cytogenetic abnormality is associated with mantle cell lymphoma?

  1. t(l 1; 14
  2. t(l 4; 1 8)
  3. (8;21)
  4. t(2;5)

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A. t(l 1;14) is the characteristic genetic alteration in MCL. t(l4;18) is associated with fol-licular lymphoma, t(8;21) with AML, and t(2;5) with anaplastic large cell lymphoma.

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