
What is the most common clinical presentation of mantle cell lymphoma (MCL)?


A 58-year-old man presen ts with fatigue and weigh t loss over the past 1 month. On physical exam. he has enlarged lymph nodes and splenomegaly. Hemoglobin is 9.3 g/dl. leukocyte count is 1 78.000/,LLL. and platelet count is 85.000/,LLL. Flow cytometry of the peripheral blood reveals expression of CDS . CD 1 9 . and CD 20. and lack of CD23. Cyclin D 1 is positive. The peripheral blood smear is shown below.

What is the most common clinical presentation of mantle cell lymphoma (MCL)?

  1. Asymptomatic with abnormal blood counts
  2. Advanced disease with lymphadenopathy
  3. CNS involvement with meningismus
  4. Fever, drenching night sweats, and weight loss

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B. Most patients with MCL lymphoma present at an advanced stage, with lymphadenopa-thy but without B symptoms. Extradodal involvement makes up about 20% to 25% of cases, including the intestine (often as multiple lymphomatous polyposis) and Waldeyer's ring. CNS involvement is rare (Blood. 1 997;89:2067-2078).

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