
The clinical severity of sickle-beta(+) thalassemia depends mostly on which of the following?


A 1 8-year-old female patien t of I ranian descent presen ts to the emergency room with back and leg pain. Laboratory results reveal leukocyte count of 1 7 , LJOO/,uL. hemoglo-bin of 1 1 . 5 g/d L, MCV of 65 FL. and platelet count of 2 97.000/,uL. Peripheral smear is shown below.

The clinical severity of sickle-beta(+) thalassemia depends mostly on which of the following?

  1. Level of HbA, which varies based on the type of mutation in beta globin chain
  2. Level of HbF, which varies based on the specific sickle-cell mutation phenotype
  3. Level of HbA2, which is dependent on the type of mutation in alpha chain
  4. Level ofHbS, which varies based on the specific sickle-cell mutation phenotype

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A. The level of HbA determines the disease severity in patients with sickle-beta(+) thalas-semia; the higher the level of Hgb A, the milder the disease (Br J Haematol. 199 1;77(3):386-9 1).

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