What is the most likely diagnosis based on the available clinical information?
belongs to book: Hematology Case Review|Donald C. Doll & Radwan F. Khozouz & Wes Matthew Triplett|| Chapter number:60| Question number:1
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belongs to book: Hematology Case Review|Donald C. Doll & Radwan F. Khozouz & Wes Matthew Triplett|| Chapter number:60| Question number:1
total answers (1)
evidence oflymphocytosis as would be expected in CLL. Testing for BCR-ABL translocation is essen tial in distinguishing between CMML and CML, as CMML would be expected to test negative. CMML is classified as an overlap entity exhibiting features of both myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative syndromes in addition to a persistently elevated monocyte count in excess of 1,000/ j.iL. It presents with monocytosis in addition to anemia, thrombocytopenia, dysfunctional platelets, and splenomegaly (Leukemia. 2008;22(7):1308, Leuk Lymphoma. 2008;49(7):1292,] Neurosci Rural Pract. 2012;3(1):98, Br] Haematol. 2011;153(2):149).
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