
What is the typical flow cytometry pattern seen in cases of HCL?


A LJ9-year-old male presen ted for further evaluation secondary to weakness and fatigue. Physical examination revealed splenomegaly with no peripheral lymphadenopathy. Labo-ratory workup showed leukocyte count of 1 8 , 500/pl. hemoglobin of 9.3 g/dl. and platelet count of 11 Q.OOO/pl. Peripheral .blood smear is shown below.

What is the typical flow cytometry pattern seen in cases of HCL?

  1. CD11c+, CD20+, CD23-, CD25+, CD1 03+, CD123+, cyclin D1+
  2. CDS+, CD20+, CD23+, CD25+, CD103-, CD123-, cyclin D1+
  3. CD1 1c-, CD20+, CD23+, CD25+, CD1 03+, CD123+, cyclin D1+
  4. CD1 1c-, CD20+, CD23-, CD25+, CD1 03+, CD123+, cyclin D1-
  5. CD11c-, CD20+, CD23-, CD25+, CD103+, CD123+, cyclin D1 +

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A. positivity for common B-cell markers, CD1 1 c, CD25, CD103, CD123, and cyclin D1 are characteristic for HCL. Expression of CD23 is typically negative (Blood. 1993;82(4): 1277).

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