
What is the most appropriate next test to perform in terms of patient's management and prognosis?


A 28-year-old female with no significant prior medical history presents For Further evalu-ation secondary to Fatigue. Physical examination reveals pal lor and splenomegaly. Labo-ratory workup shows leukocyte count of 76.000/JLL. hemoglobin 8.5 g/dl. and platelet count of 3Lj , OOO/JLL. Peripheral blood slide is shown below.

What is the most appropriate next test to perform in terms of patient's management and prognosis?

  1. Bone marrow biopsy
  2. HLA typing
  3. Family history
  4. Testing for BCR-ABL translocation
  5. Lumbar puncture

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D. All of the choices are reasonable; however, the single most important piece of informa-tion that will radically affect patient's management and prognosis is positivity for BCR-ABL transcript. Philadelphia positive ALL constitutes 20% to 30% of adult ALL cases and is a marker of high risk and poor prognosis. Incorporation of tyrosine kinase inhibitors into ALL treatment regimens is currently considered standard of care (Blood. 201 0;11 5(2):206, Blood. 1999;93( 11 ):3983, Blood. 1992;80( 12):2983, Blood. 2007;109(4):1408, J Clin Oneal. 20 1 0;28(22):3644, Br J Haematol. 2009;145(5):58 1).

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