What is the most likely diagnosis?
belongs to book: Hematology Case Review|Donald C. Doll & Radwan F. Khozouz & Wes Matthew Triplett|| Chapter number:11| Question number:1
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belongs to book: Hematology Case Review|Donald C. Doll & Radwan F. Khozouz & Wes Matthew Triplett|| Chapter number:11| Question number:1
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C. Patient presents with elevated platelet and leukocyte counts and normal hemoglobin levels. Peripheral slide review reveals evidence of giant platelets with variable granulation. Bone marrow biopsy reveals megakaryocyte hyperplasia with clustering. This presentation is most consis-tent with essential thrombocytosis (ET). Iron-deficiency anemia and underlying conditions can be associated with secondary thrombocytosis; however, giant platelets with variable granules would not be expected. Clustering of megakaryocytes would also not be expected in secondary thrombocytosis. Normal hemoglobin level argues against underlying iron deficiency.
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