
What is the most commonly associated cytogenetic abnormality?


A 70-year-old male with prior medical h istory of diabetes and hypertension is referred by his primary care physician for further evaluation of elevated leukocyte coun t, anemia. and thrombocytopenia. The patien t initially presen ted to his primary care physician secondary to a 3-week history of progressive rash on his face. as shown below.

Laboratory values reveals a leukocyte count of 57,000/,uL. hemoglobin of 8.2 g/dl. and platelets of LJ 3 ,000/,uL. Peripheral blood smear and skin lesion biopsy are shown below.

What is the most commonly as sociated cytogenetic abnormality?

  1. t(8;21)
  2. t(9;11)
  3. inv(16)
  4. t(6;9)
  5. inv(3)

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B. t(9;11) involving rearrangement of l lq23 have been associated with acute monoblastic leukemia (Leuk Res. 1982;6(1):17, Blood. 1986;67(2):484).

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