
What is the most likely explanation of her presentation?


A 6 6-year-old female previously heal thy presen ts for further evaluation of diffuse bone pai n. left-sided abdomi nal discomfort. and progressive fatigue for the last several mon ths. Examination is sign i ficant for splenomegaly, easily palpable below the left costal margin extending to the m idline. Laboratory evaluation reveals leukocyte count of 1 67.000/,LLL. hemoglobi n 9.2 g/dl. and platelet count of 730.000/JLL. Peripheral blood smear is shown.

l matinib is temporari ly discontinued. and the patien t is treated with diuretics . l matinib is rei n troduced with no further recurrence of periorbital edema. Patien t con tinues on i matinib for the next 3 years and achieves complete molecular response by 18 months. However. LJ6 months after initiation of therapy. she presen ts complaining of several months of worsen ing fatigue. left-sided abdominal pai n. and nigh t sweats . Patien t re-ports adherence to imatinib regimen. Evaluation reveals leukocyte coun t of 1 2 5 .000/,LLL. hemoglobin 8.2 g/dl. and platelet count of 80.000/,LLL. Peripheral blood smear is shown below.

What is the most likely explanation of her presentation?

  1. Imatinib toxicity
  2. Transformation to chronic lymphocytic leukemia
  3. Progression to acute myeloid leukemia
  4. Development of myelofibrosis
  5. Noncompliance with imatinib

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C. Medication noncompliance should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of a CML patient with suboptimal response or loss of response to therapy. However, in this case patient reports adherence to her regimen, which makes this a less likely etiology. Peripheral smear reveals predominance of a uniform cell population with increased nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio with fine chromatin consistent with myeloblasts. Bone marrow aspirate showed 64% myeloblasts. This picture is diagnostic of progression to AML.

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