A LJ8-year-old male presen ts to the emergency room for further evaluation of a 3-week history of progressively worsening Fatigue. Physical examination reveals pal lor and dif-Fuse petech iae over lower extremities. Laboratory evaluation shows a total leukocyte cou nt of 2 3, LJOO/,uL. hemoglobin 9.8 g/dl. and platelet count of 1 3, 000/,uL. Periph-eral blood smear and bone marrow aspirate are shown.

Which of the following defines a poor prognostic criterion as defined by cytogenetic abnormalities?
- t(8;2l)
- t(l6;16)
- t(9;1 1)
- t(l5;17)
- t(l4;18)
C. t(8;2 1), t(l6;16), inv(l 6), and t(l5;17) define a favorable risk group of AML. Transloca-tion t(9;11) usually involves the MLL gene located at 1 1q23 and is associated with a poor prognosis. Translocation t(l4;18) is seen in the majority of follicular lymphoma (FL) cases; however, it is not di-agnostic ofFL as it can be found in multiple other lymphoma subtypes (Blood. 2010;116(3):354).
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