



A 28-year-old woman was referred to the colposcopy clinic because of intermenstrual and postcoital bleeding. On examination a macroscopically visible lesion was present and on colposcopy features of malignancy were seen. Subsequent biopsy showed invasive squa- bmous carcinoma of the cervix.

The woman was informed of the diagnosis and as a result went on to undergo an examin- ation under anaesthetic, cystoscopy and proctoscopy for staging. The mass was found to be 3 cm in size and there was no palpable extension into the uterus, vagina or parametrial tissues. The cystoscopy and proctoscopy were both normal.

She has had one child but had been hoping to have at least one more and is devastated by the diagnosis.


• What are the possible treatment options and their potential complications?

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Cervical cancer may be treated surgically or by radiotherapy. Staging is performed clin-ically at examination under anaesthetic as described.

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