
A congenital diaphragmatic hernia is usu- ally life threatening because it is associated with


A congenital diaphragmatic hernia is usu-ally life threatening because it is associated with

  1. pulmonary hypoplasia
  2. pulmonary hyperplasia
  3. physiological umbilical hernia
  4. liver hypoplasia
  5. liver agenesis

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A. The herniation of abdominal contents into the pleural cavity compresses the developing lung bud, resulting in pulmonary hypoplasia. Lung development on the ipsilateral (left) side of the herniation is most commonly affected, but lung development on the contralat-eral (right) side can also be compromised. The lungs may achieve normal size and function after surgical reduction of the hernia and repair of the diaphragm. However, mortality is high due to pulmonary hypoplasia.

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