A 35 year old man presents with history of dyspepsia. H.Pylori antibodies are negative. No improvement is seen after 1m of treatment. What is the next step?
belongs to book: 1700 MCQ REVISED VERSION TOPIC WISE|DR. KHALID SAIFULLAH|4th EDITION| Chapter number:3| Question number:7
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The key is B. Gastroscopy. [Not responding to treatment D/D is: i) Jollinger Elison syndrome ii) Ca stomach. Indications of gastroscopy in a 35 yo man (for man of age <50): i) Acute symptoms with H/O previous episode (PUD) ii) Alarm features [weight loss, anaemia, vomiting, hematemesis and melaena, dysphagia, palpable abdominal mass], fear of cancer, evidence of organic disease].
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