
A 55 year old male presents to the emergency department after an RTA (road trafficaccident) his chest. Examination: pulse 140bpm, BP 80/50mmHg. What is the most likelydiagnosis?


A 55 year old male presents to the emergency department after an RTA (road trafficaccident) with breathlessness, engorged neck veins and a dull percussion note on the right side of his chest. Examination: pulse 140bpm, BP 80/50mmHg. What is the most likelyn diagnosis?

  1. Hemothorax
  2. Hemopneumothorax
  3. Tension pneumothorax
  4. Simple pneumothorax

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The key is B. Hemopneumothorax. [Dull percussion note indicates presence of blood. Also low BP and shock favours more towards hemopneumothorax. Please note in pure hemothorax there is volume  depletion so that neck veins do not rise].

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