
A tall rugby player was hit in the chest by a player of the opponent team. He developed breathlessness and his face went blue and purple. You have been called to look at him, how will you manage him?


A tall rugby player was hit in the chest by a player of the opponent team. He developed breathlessness and his face went blue and purple. You have been called to look at him, how will you manage him?

  1. Insert a needle in the 2nd ICS in the mid-clavicular line
  2. Insert a needle in the 5th ICS in the mid-axillary line
  3. Intubate the patient
  4. Start CPR
  5. Give oxygen

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The key is E. give oxygen. [1. The patient went blue and purple!! It is due to catch up of breath and it is not cyanosis of pneumothorax as cyanosis of pneumothorax takes time to develop and considered as a late feature. Immediate feature is chest pain, tachycardia, tachypnea etc].

There are no immediate feature mentioned according to which we can say pneumothorax is the diagnosis.

Collapse in sport’s trauma treatment is ABC. Even if pneumothorax as treatment modality 1st comes oxygen].

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