
A 54 year old man has recently been diagnosed with moderate depression. He has history of MI and is suffering from insomnia. What is the drug of choice for him?


A 54 year old man has recently been diagnosed with moderate depression. He has history of MI

and is suffering from insomnia. What is the drug of choice for him?

  1. Citalopram
  2. Lofepramine
  3. ECT
  4. Haloperidol
  5. Diazepam

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Key is A. Citalopram. [Sertraline is the drug of choice in post MI as citalopram may be a risk factor

for precipitating torsades-de-pointes. But if sertraline is not in option second choice is citalopram and as

the patient has insomnia and citalopram can cause insomnia too, it should be taken in the morning.

where SSRIs are not suitable next choice is mirtazapine].

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