
ERD for Co-op training for students


Supporting students in co-op training is our aim. Co-op training is an opportunity to apply what students have learned during their academic studies. this would then be reflected in their skill at workplace. it most likely the best time for student to prove themselves. Therefore we, will help them to find a various training before starting their training program. Our goal is to enable students find training opportunities based upon his/her need and skill. Students will apply to different organizations with just one click with a single form; while the platform is easy to use, will save effort and time, and will provide support in all the phases of searching and applying for an opportunity.


Chapter 1 Introduction

Co-op training is a program that provides pre-graduation students with a chance to use their academic knowledge in a real-world workplace to develop their skills. Students can transition into the professional world with the help of cooperative education. But Students face difficult times when applying to coop opportunities due to the hard and time-consuming effort of applying to multiple organizations. Students may also face different requirements for each organization. For example, they will apply for each organization on their website, which is difficult and time-consuming, so we came up with (متدرب) is a website where students can register and fill out a single form and can apply for multiple opportunities in one click only organizations can find the right candidates on the website.


Our project creates an easy-applying method for all students and makes the corporate training experience much easier for students and employers. The project will develop a way that any applying issues will be avoided. The idea of this project has been developed after we noticed a lot of difficulties facing students who are near graduation. We believe that after the initiation of the project the students will have an easy and simple searching and applying method, the team will create a website that meets users’ needs and has an easy registration method, and will also have a communication method between both users students, and employers. The website will provide recommendations for users upon their information, so the searching will be easier, the project will be developed and launch by the mid of year 2023.


Our main goal is to establish a website as a place where applicants can find the appropriate cooperative opportunity and where employers can locate the right applicants. (متدرب) will save time and effort for both students and employers. The website will help the user (Students) filter the opportunity on the form that they filled in during registration. For example, if the user wrote (Management information system) as their major, it would only show them the available opportunities for MIS graduates. It also works for employers when they need a specific major for the position. He or she can filter the criteria that he/she wants to follow. This will save time and effort for both students and organizations.


Our Mission is to provide a platform where coop students and organizations meet and make the student’s COOP journey more appealing. Our Vision, therefore, is to be the largest coop recruiting platform in Saudi Arabia and MENA region and to be the first destination for students and employers.

Feedback is key to our motivation to measure the improvement we ask even some of our friends because they could be potential customers and we want to give the best we can for our future customers, our goals are not impossible to reach since we are still pre-graduation students (متدرب) is not complex to develop and each weak we set a phase to finish, and we always communicate to help each other if there are some difficulties to stay on track with the deadline, moreover, we always around pre-graduation students which share the same mistakes or problems so, that was a huge motivation to start working in the website.


1.1 Problem Statement

There is a problem that many co-op students face. It is most students apply to co-op training before a month only, therefore, students get confused opportunities due to a short period available for students to decide on an available training opportunity.


1.2 Issues

in our platform, we will find companies six months ahead of time to Enable trainees to make wise decision. We believe it is a chance for trainees to get a job after six months of training. Our platform will secure more than one company for pre-graduation students so that it will help them with choosing the best available option. This is to allow our platform users to select companies that suit them


Moreover, we will assign supervisors for trainees to submit progressive reports. The supervisor will keep track of problems that may trainees face. For example, a company doesn’t give tasks related to co-op students’ majors. So, if they need consultation for a business problem, we will be available 24\7. Also, many students don’t know what they want to be, an advisor will do an interview or a survey to help pre-graduation students match their skills with the position they will take in the company. Finally, this interview or survey on our platform (متدرب) will prepare them for the workplace, what are the most useful tools, skills, and requirements in general.


1.2 Objectives

• The project aims to serve students in different dimensions, such as finding the best opportunity for co-op training by filling out a single form.

• Provide the best opportunities before six months of the training.

• trainees will secure multiple companies in just one click.

• minimize the effort and time for students to apply to different companies’ websites

• 24\7 customer services

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