
Which of the following mechanisms operates in the nephron to maintain pH balance in the body


Which of the following mechanisms operates in the nephron to maintain pH balance in the body? 

  1. Bicarbonate ions from the tubule cells are secreted into the fi ltrate, then H + + HCO 3 − → H 2 CO 3 → CO 2 + H 2 O
  2. . In tubule cells CO 2 + H 2 O → H 2 CO 3 → H + + HCO 3 − then hydrogen ions are secreted into the fi ltrate
  3. . In tubule cells CO 2 + H 2 O → H 2 CO 3 → H + + HCO 3 − then hydrogen ions are transported into the peritubular capillaries
  4. In tubule cells CO 2 + H 2 O → H 2 CO 3 → H + + HCO 3 − then bicarbonate ions are secreted into the fi ltrate

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B: Carbon dioxide and water form hydronium and bicarbonate ions, the hydronium ions being secreted into the fi ltrate for excretion in urine. 

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