
How does the composition of the fi ltrate change as it travels through the loop of Henle


 How does the composition of the fi ltrate change as it travels through the loop of Henle? 

  1. In the ascending limb, the volume decreases and in the descending limb, the concentration increases.
  2. In the descending limb, the volume decreases and in the ascending limb, the concentration decreases.
  3. In the descending limb, the volume decreases and in the ascending limb, the concentration increases.
  4. . In the ascending limb, the volume decreases and in the descending limb, the concentration decreases.

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B: The descending limb is permeable to water so water fl ows out of the tubule decreasing fi ltrate volume. The ascending limb is impermeable to water, so its volume does not change, however sodium, potassium and chloride ions are reabsorbed which decreases the concentration of the fi ltrate.

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