
What is the kidney tubule’s response to a rise in blood pH


What is the kidney tubule’s response to a rise in blood pH?

  1. Bicarbonate ions are created from carbonic acid and absorbed into the blood.
  2. Hydronium ions are secreted into the fi ltrate, where they are buffered by bicarbonate ions in the fi ltrate.
  3. Bicarbonate ions are secreted into the fi ltrate, while hydronium ions are absorbed from the fi ltrate into the blood.
  4. Hydronium ions are secreted into the fi ltrate, while bicarbonate ions are absorbed from the fi ltrate into the blood.

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C: A rise in blood pH means it is getting more alkaline. That is there is too much bicarbonate in the blood. To counter this some bicarbonate ions are secreted into the fi ltrate, while some hydronium ions are absorbed from the fi ltrate into the tubule cells.  

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