
How do steroid hormones differ from amino acid-based hormones


How do steroid hormones differ from amino acid-based hormones?

  1. steroid hormones are water soluble whereas amino acid based hormones are not.
  2. the receptors for steroid hormones are only in the cytoplasm or the nucleus (and amino acid-based hormones are not)
  3. steroid hormones are made only in the adrenal glands, while amino acidbased hormones are produced by a variety of gla
  4. steroid hormones activate a G-protein and exert their effect via “second messengers”, but the action of amino acid-based hormones results directly on binding to their receptor.

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B: Steroid hormones are lipid soluble so can enter the cell to bind to receptors located inside the cell. Amino acid-based hormones are not lipid soluble so their receptors are located outside the cell on the plasma membrane.

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