
In addition to infection and bleeding, the MOST common cause of death in Wiskott - Aldrich syndrome is


In addition to infection and bleeding, the MOST common cause of death in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome is

  1. renal failure
  2. graft versus host disease
  3. protracted bloody diarrhea
  4. EBV-associated malignancies
  5. development of autoimmune disease

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(D). WiskottAldrichsyndrome,an Xlinked recessivesyndrome, is characterized by atopic dermatitis,thrombocytopenlcpurpura with normal-appearing megakaryocytes but smalldefectiveplatelets,and unduesusceptibilityto infection. Survivalbeyond the 192 teens is rare; infections, bleeding, and EBV-associated malignancies are major causes of death

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