Apt test is useful for diagnosis of
belongs to book: MCQs in Pediatrics Review of Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics|Zuhair M Almusawi, Hasanein Ghali|20th edition| Chapter number:12| Question number:12.56
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belongs to book: MCQs in Pediatrics Review of Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics|Zuhair M Almusawi, Hasanein Ghali|20th edition| Chapter number:12| Question number:12.56
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(B). Apt devised the following test for differentiation of fetal from maternal blood: (1) Rinse a blood-stained diaper or some grossly bloody (red) stool with a suitable amount of water to obtain a distinctly pink supernatant hemoglobin solution; (2) centrifuge the mixture and decant the supernatant solution; (3) add 1 part of 0.25 N (1%) sodium hydroxide to 5 parts of the supernatant fluid. Within 1-2 min, a color reaction takes place: A yellow-brown color indicates that the blood is maternal in origin; a persistent pink indicates that it is from the infant. A control test with known adult or infant blood, or both, is advisable.
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