
A 27-day-old girl presented with abnormal bicycling movement, lethargy, poor feeding, and repeated vomiting for the last 7 days


A 27-day-old girl presented with abnormal bicycling movement, lethargy, poor feeding, and repeated vomiting for the last 7 days, and then she developed rapid breathing, opisthotonos, and hypertonicity with bad odor urine Of the following, the MOST effective mode of thera is

  1. good hydration
  2. peritoneal dialysis
  3. liver transplantation
  4. sufficient calories and nutrients
  5. diet low in branched-chain amino acids

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(B). Treatment of the acute state of maple syrup urine disease is aimed at hydration and rapid removal of the branched-chain amino acids and their metabolites from the tissues and body fluids. Because renal clearance of these compounds is poor, hydration alone may not produce a rapid improvement. Peritoneal dialysis or, preferably, hemodialysis is the most effective mode of therapy in critically ill infants

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