A 15-month-old boy had recurrent hospital admissions because of fever, jaundice, subcutaneous bleeding, and hypoglycemic fist; on examination, there is hepatomegaly
belongs to book: MCQs in Pediatrics Review of Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics|Zuhair M Almusawi, Hasanein Ghali|20th edition| Chapter number:11| Question number:11.13
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(D). Tyrocinemia type 1 is a severe disease of the liver, kidney, and peripheral nerves are caused by a deficiency of the enzyme fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase. An acute hepatic crisis commonly heralds the onset of the disease and is usually precipitated by an intercurrent illness that produces a catabolic state. Episodes of acute peripheral neuropathy occur in approximately 40% of affected children. Renal nvolvement is manifested as a Fanconi-like syndrome
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