
A 15-month-old boy had recurrent hospital admissions because of fever, jaundice, subcutaneous bleeding, and hypoglycemic fist; on examination, there is hepatomegaly


A 15-month-old boy had recurrent hospital admissions because of fever, jaundice, subcutaneous bleeding, and hypoglycemic fist; on examination, there is hepatomegaly.
In the last attack, the child developed severe legs pain associated with retraction of the neck and trunk.
Of the following, the MOST likely diagnos is

  1. galactosemia
  2. organic acidemia
  3. urea cycle defect
  4. tyrosinemia type 1
  5. maple syrup urine disease

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(D). Tyrocinemia type 1 is a severe disease of the liver, kidney, and peripheral nerves are caused by a deficiency of the enzyme fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase. An acute hepatic crisis commonly heralds the onset of the disease and is usually precipitated by an intercurrent illness that produces a catabolic state. Episodes of acute peripheral neuropathy occur in approximately 40% of affected children. Renal nvolvement is manifested as a Fanconi-like syndrome

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