
An 11-year-oid adolescent boy came to your clinic with a complaint of been collapsed while bathing with hot water after he felt dizzy


An 11-year-oid adolescent boy came to your clinic with a complaint of been collapsed while bathing with hot water after he felt dizzy. rather confirms that the boy was extremely pale when founded. He added that he take few minutes to recover, also he had past history or similar condition one month ago when he was urinating. Of the following, the MOST likely explanation for this condition is

  1. long QT syndrome
  2. hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
  3. neurocardiogenic syncope
  4. drug abuse
  5. seizure disorder

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(C). Typically, the patient with syncope will have been standing for a period of time, often on a hot day, or has gotten up suddenly from sleep or resting in a supine position. Occurrence in the shower is common, presumably caused by standing and vasodilation caused by hot water. For boys, the occurrence while urinating while standing is sometimes reported. The occurrence of syncope in girls while sitting or standing and having their hair brushed is common

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