Factors in favour of SVT versus sinus tachycardia in pediatrics in clude the following EXCEPT
belongs to book: MCQs in Pediatrics Review of Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics|Zuhair M Almusawi, Hasanein Ghali|20th edition| Chapter number:9| Question number:9.20
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(D). In sinus tachycardia, the history and onset are consistent with a known cause of tachycardia, such as fever or dehydration and P waves are consistently present, are of normal morphology, and occur at a rate that varies somewhat. ln SVT, onset is often abrupt without prodrome and P waves are absent or polymorphic, and when present, their rate is often fairly steady at or above 220 beats/min. Poor perfusion can present in either causes as in dehydration with tachycardia and in late stage of SVT
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