
A 2.5 year-old-boy presented with tachycardia


A 2.5 year-old-boy presented with tachycardia, pallor, and fatigue. The history reveals excessive iron ingestion with unknown duration. Of the following, the MOST likely time of ingestion is

  1. 30 min-6hr ago
  2. 6hr-24 hr ago
  3. 12hr-36 hr ago
  4. 36hr-48hr ago
  5. 48hr-72hr ago

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(B). The 2nd stage, 6-24 hr after ingestion, is often referred to as the "quiescent phase" as GI symptoms typically have resolved. However, careful clinical exam can reveal subtle signs of hypoperfusion, including tachycardia, pallor, and fatigue.

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