
The mechanism of hypokalemia in emesisis mainly due to


The mechanism of hypokalemia in emesisis mainly due to

  1. gastric loss of potassium
  2. gastric loss of hydrochloric acid
  3. Iow aldosterone level
  4. dehydration
  5. hypomagnesaemia

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(B). The gastric loss of hydrochloric acid (HCI), leadingto a metabolic alkalosis and a state of volume depletion. The kidney compensates for the metabolic alkalosis by excreting bicarbonate in the urine, but there is obligate loss of potassium and sodium with the bicarbonate. The volume depletion raises aldosterone levels, further increasing urinary potassium losses and preventing correction of the metabolic alkalosis and hypokalemia until the volume depletion is corrected.

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