
A mother of 4-month-old baby boy complaining that the baby never goes to sleep unless he is rocked for quite long time


A mother of 4-month-old baby boy complaining that the baby never goes to sleep unless he is rocked for quite long time. She needs to repeat the same issue whenever he is awake at night. She was surprised as no one of her previous babies had the similar behavior. She feels tired because of insufficient sleep. Of the following, the MOST common cause of this baby problem is

  1. an early signs of ADHD
  2. behavioral insomnia of childhood, sleep-onset association
  3. primary sleep disorder
  4. restless legs syndrome
  5. sleep terrors

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(B). In this situation, the child learns to fall asleep only under certain conditions or associations, which typically require parental presence, such as being rocked or fed, and does not develop the ability to self-soothe. in babies, gradually weaning the child from dependence, and in older children introduction of more appropriate sleep associations that will be readily available to the child during the night (transitional objects, such as a blanket or toy), in addition to positive reinforcement (i.e., stickers for remaining in bed), is often beneficial

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