
Figure 12.14 shows the growth rates of males and females from birth to 20 years. It indicates that:


Figure 12.14 shows the growth rates of males and females from birth to 20 years. It indicates that:

  1. Growth for both sexes is most rapid between the ages of 0 and 2 years.
  2. Boys and girls have similar growth rates around age 13–14.
  3. Boys stop growing at a later age than girls.
  4. Boys grow less quickly at age 5 than at age 16.
  5. The growth rate for girls of 12 is less than for boys of 16.

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a. True But it falls rapidly over this period by about half.

b. True They are about the same but the growth rate in girls is decreasing whereas that of boys is increasing.

c. True The curve for boys is about two years to the right of that for girls; girls stop growing at about 16-18 whereas boys continue to grow until they are about 18- 20.

d. True Their height gain per year is much lower at 5 than at 16 years.

e. True Boys have a greater growth spurt than girls and on average attain greater adult height.

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