Samples taken from the ureters of a man with severe one-sided renal artery stenosis gave the results shown in the table below. Plasma creatinine level was 1 mg/100 ml and the PAH level was 3 mg/100 ml. In this patient:
belongs to book: MCQs & EMQs in Human Physiology|Ian Roddie, William F M Wallace|6th edition| Chapter number:-| Question number:705
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a. False Creatinine clearance (UV/P) was 20 ml/minute on the left and 60 ml/minute (normal) on the right.
b. True From PAH clearance – a very low value.
c. False Blood flow=plasma flow x 1/1- Ht= 300 x 3/2=450 ml/minute.
d. False The left side had the abnormality.
e. True Due to excessive renin release from the ischaemic kidney; the excessive renin leads to excessive formation of angiotensin I and angiotensin II; the latter constricts blood vessels and increases plasma volume.
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