
Exercise at a level of 10 METS


 Exercise at a level of 10 METS.

  1. Implies a rate of energy consumption ten times that of the basal metabolic rate.
  2. Requires an oxygen uptake of 2 to 3 litres per minute in the average adult.
  3. Requires an oxygen uptake of less than 2 litres per minute in a 20 kg child.
  4. . Is not suitable for a person on insulin treatment for diabetes mellitus.
  5. Is probably too much for a fit 90-year-old person to maintain for one hour.

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A. False Conventionally it is ten times the resting rate (higher than the basal rate).

B. True 10 METS require 10 times the resting oxygen consumption of around 250 ml/minute.

C. True Resting metabolic rate is roughly proportional to body mass.

D. False Such people should exercise at this level, but advice is needed on dietary and insulin needs.

E. True The world record for the mile at this age is between ten and fifteen minutes, implying much less than ten METS for about a quarter of an hour.

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