
In someone whose activities are limited by a recent stroke


In someone whose activities are limited by a recent stroke.

  1. Weakness is more of muscular than neurological origin.
  2. . Voluntary movements are better preserved than reflex movements such as the knee jerk.
  3. . Speech difficulties are usually worse when the weakness is left-sided.
  4. Weakness usually affects both legs.
  5. The main area of nervous system damage is usually in the cerebellum.

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A. False The weakness is of neurological origin.

B. False Voluntary movements are weak, but spinal reflexes such as the knee jerk are usu-ally increased.

C. False The muscles on the right side and speech are usually controlled by the left side of the brain; both are usually impaired when the left side of the brain is damaged by a stroke.

D. False A stroke usually affects just one side of the body.

E. False The damage is usually in one cerebral hemisphere, where the main motor fibres pass from the cerebral cortex to the brainstem.

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