
Malnutrition can limit exercise tolerance by


 Malnutrition can limit exercise tolerance by.

  1. Reducing muscle bulk and hence strength.
  2. Depleting stores of glycogen and fat.
  3. Causing hypoxic rather than anaemic hypoxia.
  4. . Causing iron deficiency.
  5. Depleting energy stores even though daily food energy intake exceeds 2500 kcal (10.5 MJ).

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A. True Due to shortage of amino acids to repair loss due to normal turnover.

B. True Thus the substrates for energy production in exercise are missing.

C. False A reduced haemoglobin level is common and causes anaemic hypoxia.

D. True This is the commonest cause of anaemia (haemoglobin contains iron).

E. True High activity requires more energy than this so there would be negative energy balance.

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