
The elastic recoil of muscles and tendons in the legs


The elastic recoil of muscles and tendons in the legs.

  1. Increases jumping height when someone jumps from a height immediately before take off.
  2. Improves performance during sprinting.
  3. Contributes more to performance when sprinting on a cinder track than on a concrete surface.
  4. Can be improved by training.
  5. Is greater in weight lifters than in skiers.

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A. True The elastic tissue in extensor muscles is stretched by the initial downward jump.

B. True Elastic recoil aids the activity independently of muscular contractions.

C. False The concrete surface ‘reflects’ more of the energy stored during landing the foot on the surface.

D. True Training which stretches the muscles achieves this.

E. False Compared with skiers, weight lifters produce little muscle stretch and rebound during training

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