
During strenuous exercise (12 METS, where one MET is the resting meta-bolic rate, corresponding to an oxygen consumption of 3.5 ml per minute) as compared with moderate (6 METS) dynamic exercise, there is a higher


During strenuous exercise (12 METS, where one MET is the resting meta-bolic rate, corresponding to an oxygen consumption of 3.5 ml per minute) as compared with moderate (6 METS) dynamic exercise, there is a higher.


  1. Carbon dioxide production in the body.
  2. Systolic arterial blood pressure.
  3. . Blood lactate level.
  4. Arterial blood pH.
  5. Respiratory exchange ratio.

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A. True Like O2 consumption, CO2 production is a precise index of metabolic rate.

B. True Systolic pressure rises with the level of exercise as cardiac output increases.

C. True With exercise at twelve times resting metabolic rate, the lactate level is high and rising.

D. False pH falls due to the lactic acid production.

E. True This rises as the maximal level (10–15 METS for most people) is approached as buffering of lactic acid leads to CO2 production.

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