
The metabolism of


. The metabolism of.

  1. Glycogen by exercising muscle leads to a respiratory quotient nearer 0.7 than 0.8.
  2. Fat liberates more than twice the energy liberated by the same weight of carbohydrate.
  3. Fatty acids by skeletal muscle plays no part in normal exercise.
  4. Amino acids for energy is decreased by cortisol.
  5. An 80 kg male athlete in training requires nearer 2000 kcal (8.4 MJ) than 3000 kcal (12.6 MJ)/day.

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A. False The respiratory quotient for carbohydrate is 1.0.

B. True The ratio is about 9:4.

C. False Muscle energy is normally derived about equally from carbohydrate and fat.

D. False Cortisol favours this catabolic process by converting amino acids into glucose.

E. False Training greatly increases energy needs, up to 4000 kcal (16.8 MJ)/day, or more.

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