
Secondary amenorrhoea (disappearance of previously established men-struation) in a 25-year-old female athlete is associated with


Secondary amenorrhoea (disappearance of previously established menstruation) in a 25-year-old female athlete is associated with.

  1. A strenuous daily training schedule.
  2. . Weight loss rather than weight gain.
  3. Direct depression of the ovaries rather than loss of gonadotrophins and their releasing hormone.
  4. Reversal of the condition when strenuous exercise is discontinued and normal body weight regained.
  5. A body fat content of 25 per cent.

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A. True This is a recognized adverse effect of strenuous training over weeks or months.

B. True Amenorrhoea is likely when body weight falls markedly below the normal value.

C. False It is usually a hypothalamic response to a reduction in the body’s energy stores which are sensed in the hypothalamus.

D. True As at the menarche, reproductive activity, including ovulation and menstruation, generally depend on attaining a normal adult body mass, including fat stores.

E. False This is the normal female body fat level.

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