
During muscular training


During muscular training.

  1. Neural control factors improve performance before there is evidence of skeletal muscle hypertrophy.
  2. Repeated stretching of skeletal muscle fibres leads to their hypertrophy.
  3. There is a gradual decrease in the size of the heart in diastole.
  4. There is a gradual increase in the O2 extraction rate from blood perfusing exercising skeletal muscle.
  5. The increase in skeletal muscle blood flow for a given work load decreases.

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A. True Neural factors account for most of the early improvement in performance.

B. True This is a potent factor causing hypertrophy.

C. False There is an increase due to increased diastolic filling with the lower resting heart rate.

D. True This results in a lower blood lactate level for a given workload.

E. True A consequence of the greater oxygen extraction rate.

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