For each variety of sensory receptor A–E, select the best option for its adequate stimulus from the following list
belongs to book: MCQs & EMQs in Human Physiology|Ian Roddie, William F M Wallace|6th edition| Chapter number:-| Question number:646
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A. Option 3 Stretch. Stretching of the muscle spindles leads to reflex contraction of the muscle being stretched as in the knee jerk.
B. Option 1 Pain. These nerve endings are stimulated by stimuli that tend to damage the tissues in which the bare nerve endings lie.
C. Option 2 Angular acceleration of the head. The sensory end organs in the crista ampullaris are stimulated when movement of fluid in the semicircular canals moves the hair cells in the cupulae.
D. Option 4 Sound waves in the inner ear. These sensory organs lie in the organ of Corti and are stimulated when sound waves cause vibrations in the basilar membrane in the inner ear.
E. Option 5 Sweet substances in solution. These taste receptors are found towards the front of the tongue and can detect sweet taste stimuli.
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