
For each variety of reflex A–E, select the best option from the examples in the following list


For each variety of reflex A–E, select the best option from the examples in the following list.

1. Nerve-mediated skin vasodilatation following skin damage.

2. The withdrawal reflex. 

3. Salivation on seeing or thinking about

4. The knee jerk. food.

5. The baroreceptor reflex.

  1. A monosynaptic reflex.
  2. A polysynaptic somatic reflex.
  3. A conditioned reflex.
  4. A visceral unconditioned reflex.
  5. An axon reflex.

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A. Option 4 The knee jerk. This is a spinal reflex with two neurones. The afferent nerve from the muscle spindle synapses with a motor fibre in the anterior horn of the spinal cord

. B. Option 2 The withdrawal reflex. This reflex has more than two synapses in the reflex pathway.

C. Option 3 Salivation on seeing or thinking about food. This is a learned reflex that can be reinforced or inhibited by learned experience and involves the cerebral cortex.

D. Option 5 The baroreceptor reflex. This reflex is inborn and is not modified by learned experiences.

E. Option 1 Nerve-mediated skin vasodilatation following skin damage. An axon reflex is a local reflex that does not involve the spinal cord. Stimulation of a sensory nerve receptor results in a local response mediated by a local branch of the sensory nerve.

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