
For each of the items related to body energy A–E, select the best option for its description from the following list


For each of the items related to body energy A–E, select the best option for its description from the following list.

e following list.

1. The increase in energy expenditure following ingestion of food.

2. A thioester high-energy compound. 

3. A method to estimate the metabolic rate.

4. A phosphorolated high-energy compound.

5. The rate of metabolism in a resting subject. 


  1. Measurement of oxygen consumption.
  2. . Specific dynamic action (SDA).
  3. ATP.
  4. BMR.
  5. Acetyl-coenzyme A.

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A. Option 3 A method to estimate the metabolic rate. The rate of metabolism can be esti-mated from the oxygen consumption if the respiratory quotient is known.

B. Option 1 The increase in energy expenditure following ingestion of food. The extra energy expenditure required to assimilate ingested food into the body is referred to as its SDA. It is required for all types of food but protein requires the most energy for its assim-ilation.

C. Option 4 A phosphorolated high-energy compound. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is widely distributed in the body and much energy is stored in its phosphate bonds. This energy can be released when required to energy-requiring processes such as muscle contraction and membrane polarization.

D. Option 5 The rate of metabolism in a resting subject. The basal metabolic rate is a measure of total energy expenditure at rest in the post-absorptive state. It can be meas-ured by measuring oxygen consumption.

E. Option 2 A thioester high-energy compound. This sulphur containing high-energy compound is derived from mercaptan. It combines with substances in reactions that would otherwise require outside energy.

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