
When a patient inherits a disease as a recessive autosomal character


. When a patient inherits a disease as a recessive autosomal character.

  1. . One of the parents of the patient will exhibit the disease.
  2. All of the children of the patient will exhibit the disease.
  3. All of the children of the patient will be carriers.
  4. Both parents of the patient must carry the recessive character.
  5. Subsequent siblings have a 50 per cent risk of the disorder.

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A. False Both parents are usually healthy.

B. False They are likely to be normal due to the dominant normal gene from the spouse.

C. True All will receive the recessive gene from the patient.

D. True Only thus will the patient have a homozygous genotype.

E. False From simple Mendelian laws the chances are 25 per cent.

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