
In percentage terms, arterial PCO2 is more affected than arterial O2 con-tent by


In percentage terms, arterial PCO2 is more affected than arterial O2 con-tent by.

  1. . Carbon monoxide poisoning.
  2. Anaemia
  3. . A 20 per cent fall in inspired PO2.
  4. Ascent to 2000 metres (about 6500 feet) above sea level
  5. Increasing the oxygen pressure in the air breathed to three atmospheres.

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A. False Pressure is little affected but content is decreased.

B. False Pressure is normal but content decreased.

C. True Arterial PO2 is reduced but content falls by only 3 per cent or so because of the shape of the oxygen dissociation curve.

D. True This causes a fall of about 20 per cent in inspired oxygen pressure.

E. True This causes a huge rise in PO2 but a relatively small increase in arterial oxygen content since the haemoglobin is almost fully saturated when breathing oxygen at 100 mmHg pressure

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