
The Golgi apparatus is


The Golgi apparatus is.

  1. Found in all eukaryotic cells.
  2. A collection of complex tubules and vesicles.
  3. Well developed in cells with secretory activity.
  4. Associated with endoplasmic reticulum.
  5. Not conspicuous in neurones.

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 A. True Usually close to the nucleus.

B. False It is a collection of about six flattened, membrane-enclosed sacs stacked together.

C. True Secretions are packaged into vesicles in the Golgi apparatus.

D. True Proteins formed by the granular endoplasmic reticulum fuse with the membranes of the Golgi sacs before being packed into vesicles and released into the cyto-plasm.

E. False Neurones are secretory cells.

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