
Ingestion of protein


Ingestion of protein.

  1. Raises metabolic rate more than ingestion of equally calorific amounts of fat or carbo-hydrate.
  2. Tends to lower the pH of urine.
  3. Permits the body to synthesize the essential amino acids.
  4. Yields more toxic metabolites than fat or carbohydrate.
  5. Should exceed 2 g/kg body weight/day to satisfy normal body requirements.

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A. True Due, perhaps, to the additional metabolic work in processing protein in the body.

B. True Protein is the main dietary source of the acidic residues excreted by the kidney.

C. False Essential amino acids cannot be synthesized in the body.

D. True These metabolites, normally detoxified in the liver, may cause hepatic encepha-lopathy in hepatic failure.

E. False One gram per kilogram is adequate

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