The total osmotic pressure of human plasma is
belongs to book: MCQs & EMQs in Human Physiology|Ian Roddie, William F M Wallace|6th edition| Chapter number:-| Question number:600
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belongs to book: MCQs & EMQs in Human Physiology|Ian Roddie, William F M Wallace|6th edition| Chapter number:-| Question number:600
total answers (1)
A. False It is about 5500 mmHg (25 mmHg is the colloid osmotic pressure).
B. True Both have an osmolality around 290 mosmol/litre.
C. False It is similar to 5 per cent glucose which contains about the same number of par-ticles.
D. False The colloid osmotic pressure does this; the crystalloids pass capillary walls freely and exert no effective pressure gradient across the capillary wall.
E. True Intracellular and extracellular fluid have the same osmolality.
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