



  1. Separates the colloidal contents of a solution from the crystalloid contents.
  2. Is involved in the movement of water and electrolytes across cell membranes.
  3. Is involved in the formation of tissue fluid by the capillaries.
  4. Is involved in the formation of glomerular filtrate by the kidneys.
  5. Is involved in the formation of cerebrospinal fluid by the choroid plexuses.

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A. True It depends on pore size and hydrostatic pressure gradients; colloids are larger par-ticles than crystalloids.

B. False Substances cross cellular walls by active transport or down electrochemical gra-dients; hydrostatic pressure gradients are not involved.

C. True An outward hydrostatic pressure gradient exists at the arterial end of the capil-lary.

D. True The pressure gradient across glomerular capillary walls is greater than that in other capillaries.

E. True But active secretion is also involved in the formation of CSF.

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